EcoPhi Portal
1 Naming and general structure
1.1 Entity Structure
1.2 Site Structure
1.3 (Main) Entity
Definition: The Entity represents the top level of the hierarchy. Typically, there is one Entity linked to one EcoPhi customer. Only an Entity can create new Sites.
Example: A solar company using the EcoPhi platform to monitor and control multiple solar systems and facilities.
Platform terms: A (Main) Entity using the EcoPhi platform to monitor and control multiple Sites.
1.4 Sub-Entity
Definition: Sub-Entities are hierarchically below the Entities and are used to organize different Sites within the organizational structure. They can’t create new Sites but may edit existing Sites if they are permitted to do so.
Example: Different departments, subsidiaries, or end-customers of a company, each operating one or various solar systems.
Platform terms: Different Sub-Entities of a (Main) Entity, each operating one or various Sites.
1.5 Site
Definition: Sites represent physical or virtual facilities and systems that aggregate one or various Data Sources. They are the actual locations or systems where data is collected and monitored.
Example: A production plant, a data center, or a solar farm.
1.6 Data Source
Definition: Data Sources are specific sources of data within a Site. These can either be physical devices like EcoPhi Boxes or APIs that retrieve data from external systems.
Example: An EcoPhi Box for monitoring energy consumption or an API providing weather data for the Site.
1.7 Component
Definition: Components are physical devices within the Data Source “EcoPhi Device” that provide measurement data.
Example: An inverter in a solar installation, serial, analog and digital sensors.
1.8 Roles and Permissions, Rules
Permissions are handled both on Entity and User level.
1.8.1 Entity Permissions
New Sites can only be created via the (Main-)Entity.
The permission to create further Sub-Entities and edit Sites can be assigned at Sub-Entity level. Thus, actions and settings can be permitted on Sub-Entity level.
1.8.2 User Roles and Permissions
Owner: Owns the (Main-)Entity with all permissions. The Owner automatically has access and can manage all Sub-Entities. Each (Sub-)Entity must have at least one Owner.
Manager: Have editing permissions for the (Sub-)Entities where they are a member of. Can create and edit sites and handle members.
Viewer: Have only viewing permissions and can’t edit.
Note: If editing is not permitted on Entity-level, Users won’t have the permissions to edit even if their Role would technically allow this.
1.8.3 Rules
Platform Users can only add new Sub-Entities. The (Main-) Entity will be created by EcoPhi.
(Main-)Entity members see all Sites of the (Main-)Entity.
Sub-Entity members see all Sites, that have been shared with this Sub-Entity.
A User can be a member of several Entities and Sub-Entities at the same time. Users of (Main-)Entities don‘t get automatically access to Sub-Entities but need to be added as a Sub-Entity member.
Sites can only be shared within the Entity structure, they can not be shared along different (Main-)Entities.
2 Navigation
2.1 Home page
Here you can find shortcuts to the most important pages of the portal.
2.2 Site Overview
Here you can find an Overview of your Sites.
Use the search bar to filter your Sites for columns and labels.
To sort the Sites depending on a column, click on the column heading. To change the sorting order, click again and click one more time to remove the sorting.
On “Display” you can select which categories and KPIs should be shown as columns on the table.
To receive more information on a specific Site, click the arrow on the left of the Site row.
To open a Site, click on the row. The Detail View will open. Click on the two arrows on the top left of the Detail View (next to the Site name) to switch to full screen mode.
2.3 Detail View
Click on the two arrows on the top left next to the Site name to switch between half- and full screen mode.
2.4 Overview
Here you can see the overview dashboard of your Site. The overview dashboards aggregates the data of all Data Sources that belong to the Site.
2.5 Data Sources
Shows the dashboards of the Data Sources (the connected EcoPhi Boxes). Here you can see the detailed measurement data of all connected and configured Components.
2.6 Action Conditions
If it is relevant for your system, you find all the action settings here (e.g. controls, logics). This is only relevant if the control functions have been initially set up.
2.7 Site Settings
Here you can set up your Site and add Data Sources (EcoPhi Boxes) and Components to the Site.
3 Manual
3.1 Quick Guide - Set up an EcoPhi Box
Create a new Site for the project: Click on Site Overview -> ”+ Add Site” and fill out the form.
Create a Data Source for the EcoPhi Box: In the Site Overview, click on your newly created Site and go to Site Settings. Create a new Data Source under ”+ Add Data Source”. Make sure you enter the correct EcoPhi Serial Number, which is printed on the Box.
Add Components: Under Site Settings, click on ”+ Add Component”, select the Data Source and make the settings. Repeat this step for all Components.
3.2 Account Settings
Hover over the profile circle on the top right an go to Account Settings.
3.2.1 Change Account Settings
When you change your avatar (profile picture), name, email address, localization and theme, don’t forget to click the “Save” button.
3.2.2 Change password
On the bottom of the Account Settings page, enter your current password and new password and confirm with “Change password”.
3.2.3 Delete account
Note: Deleting your Account will also delete all Entities where you are the sole owner together with all their data. This action is not reversible.
On the bottom of the Account Settings page, click “Yes, Delete”.
You will be prompted to confirm the deletion.
3.3 Site Management
3.3.1 Add a new Site
Go to the „Site Overview“ Tab and click the „+ Add Site“ button on the top right. Enter the name and and optional description. You can add labels to better filter and search your Sites.
Labels are Entity-wide, so once you have created a new label, it will be available for other Sites too. Either select an existing label or type in a new label. Enter the value and click the Check Button. To enter more labels, click ”+“. To delete a label, click on ”-” and delete the label(s).
To add a location, search for the address. The correct location will be stored. You can change the display title, which will be shown in the Site Overview, to fit your required format.
Click „Add Site“.
You will then see the new Site in the Site Overview.
3.3.2 Set up and configure a Site/ Connect an EcoPhi Box
To set up your Site, you first need to add a Data Source and then add Components to the Data Source.
Go to the „Site Overview“ Tab and click on the Site. Add a Data Source/ Add an EcoPhi Box
Go to “Site Settings” -> Data sources and click „+ Add Data source“.
Enter a name that clearly identifies the Data Source.
You can optionally add labels for better searching and filtering.
Enter the EcoPhi Box serial number (starting with a lower-case m…). You can find the serial number written on either side of the EcoPhi Box.
Click “Add Data Source”. You will now see the new Data Source in the “Site Settings”. Add optional calculations
When you set up a Data Source, you can optionally define ecological and economical calculation factors, which are CO2 per kWh, Trees saved per kWh, Grid selling price and Grid buying price.
You can enter them by clicking on the calculator icon on “Site Settings” -> Data Sources. Connection Settings (Connection order and Wifi Settings)
You can configure the connection settings by clicking on the connection icon on “Site Settings” -> Data Sources.
You can change the connection order (SIM, LAN and Wifi) and enter the Wifi settings if you want to connect your EcoPhi Box via Wifi. Add Components/ Connect equipment to the EcoPhi Box
Go to “Site Settings” -> Components and click ”+ Add Component”.
Select the correct Data Source (EcoPhi Box).
Enter a name that clearly identifies the Component.
You can optionally add labels for better searching and filtering.
Select the correct Component type from the list. Depending on the Component type, different settings need to be made.
Serial: Select the correct Equipment from the list, enter a read-out interval, enter the Modbus ID and an optional IP address.
Analog: Select the correct Equipment from the list. The range next to the Equipment name indicates the measurement range. Make sure to select the correct measurement range. The range is usually printed on the sensor.
Enter the read-out interval.
Enter the correct socket number. The socket number is the number printed on the EcoPhi distribution board of the EcoPhi Box (see also Device Manuals). The socket numbers are AI1, AI2, AI3 and AI4.
Digital: Select the correct Equipment from the list.
Enter the read-out interval.
Enter the correct socket number. The socket number is the number printed on the EcoPhi distribution board of the EcoPhi Box (see also Device Manuals). The socket numbers are DI1, … , DI8.
3.3.3 Deleting and updating Data Sources
Go to “Site Settings” -> Data Sources. On the right, click the Edit Data source or Delete Data Source icon.
3.3.4 Deleting and updating components
Go to “Site Settings” -> Components. On the right, click the Edit Component or Delete Component icon.
3.3.5 Share a Site with a Sub-Entity
Both the Site and the Sub-Entity need to exist before (check the respective chapters on how to create a Site and Sub-Entity).
There are two methods to share a Site with a Sub-Entity.
Method 1: Go to “Entity Settings” -> Sub-Entities. Click on the three dots of to the Sub-Entity that you want to share the Site with and click “Add Sites”. Select the Site(s) that you want to share and click “Add Sites”.
Method 2: Go to the “Site Overview” and expand the Site by clicking the arrow on the left. In the bottom right navigation bar, click the “Share Site” icon. Select the Sub-Entity(ies) that you want to share the Site with and click “Share Site”.
3.3.6 Adding action conditions
Under “Site Details” -> Action Conditions, you can define action conditions such as controls and logic parameters. The availability depends on your specific project and if action conditions have been initially set up for your Site.
3.3.7 Edit an existing Site
Go to the „Site Overview“ Tab. Expand the Site by clicking on the arrow on the left.
On the right side of the bottom navigation bar of the Site, click the “Edit” icon.
Change the Site information and click “Update Site”.
3.3.8 Delete an existing Site
Note: Deleting the Site will also delete all Components in this Site together with all their data.
Go to the „Site Overview“ Tab. Expand the Site by clicking on the arrow on the left.
On the right side of bottom navigation bar of the Site, click the “Delete this Site” icon.
You will be prompted to confirm the deletion.
3.3.9 Create and use Labels
Labels can be used for Sites, Data Sources and Components. They allow you to add individual information and help to categorize and filter.
Labels are defined as Key-Value Pairs.
Labels need to be defined before they can be used. Once they have been defined, they are available in the Entity and all Sub-Entities.
When you create or update a Site, Data Source or Component, you will see a section to add Labels.
To add a new Label, type in an individual Label name and click ”+ New category … “. Enter the value and save the Label.
To select an existing Label, select the Label in the drop-down list, enter the value and save the Label.
3.4 Entity and Sub-Entity Management
3.4.1 Switching to different Entities/ Sub-Entities
On the Entity picker on the top right, you can see all Entities and Sub-Entities that you are a member of.
Click on the Entity to switch to.
3.4.2 Create a Sub-Entity
Go to “Entity Settings” and open the Sub-Entities row.
You will see a list of all Sub-Entities.
Click ”+ Add Sub-Entity”.
Name the Sub-Entity and select the required permissions:
- Use Sub-Entities: If enabled, Sub-Entities can create own Sub-Entities and share Sites with their Sub-Entities.
- Edit Site: If enabled, Sub-Entities can edit Sites, e.g. change Site name and information or add Data Sources and Components. New Sites must always be created by the (Main-)Entity.
Click „Create Sub-Entity“.
3.5 User Management
To add or manage a User for a specific Entity or Sub-Entity, you must switch to the respective Entity.
On the Entity picker on the top right, switch to the Entity.
3.5.1 Add new Users to an Entity or Sub-Entity
You can only do Entity settings and add users if you are currently in the Entity. Go to “Entity-Settings” -> Members and click „Invite member“.
Enter the Email address and select the Role -> „Send Invite“. The user will receive an email to accept the invite.
3.5.2 Accept invites to a (Sub-)Entity
Users that have been invited to a (Sub-)Entity must accept the invite.
Hover over the Entity picker on the top right of the navigation bar and click on “Entity Memberships”.
You will see the invites and existing memberships.
Accept the invite.
You can also see open invitations on your home page. Click on the logo on the top left to go to the home page.
3.5.3 Change the user permissions
Go to “Entity Settings” -> Members. On the right of the member entry, click “Edit Role”. Select the Role and click “Update Access”.
3.5.4 Remove a user from an Entity
Go to “Entity Settings” -> Members. On the right of the member entry, click “Remove Membership”. You will be prompted to confirm the removal.
3.6 Monitoring Dashboards
Open the Site Details by opening the “Site Overview” and clicking on the Site.
In the Site Details, you can find an Overview and Data Sources Tab.
Overview: Here you can see the overview dashboard of your Site. The overview dashboards aggregates the data of all Data Sources that belong to the Site.
Data Sources: Shows the dashboards of the Data Sources (the connected EcoPhi Boxes). Here you can see the detailed measurement data of all connected and configured Components.
3.6.1 Changing the time range
With the time picker on the top right, you can select a pre-defined time range or specify an individual time range.
You can also adjust the time range directly within a graph:
- Hover over the graph.
- Press and hold the left mouse button.
- Drag the mouse to highlight the desired time range.
- Release the mouse button to set the new time range.
3.6.2 Update the data
The dashboards update the data when they are being opened. Once open, the dashboards don’t automatically update by default. To retrieve the latest data, click on the refresh button on the top right.
3.6.3 Show and hide data in a graph
You can select individual values within a graph by clicking on its name in the legend. To display all values again, click on its name once more.
To select multiple values simultaneously, hold down the Ctrl key (Cmd key on Mac) and then select the desired values by clicking on its names in the legend.
3.7 Download data as csv or Excel
To download data as a csv or Excel file, first select the required time range on the dashboard. Go to the dashboard panel of which you want to download the data. Click on the three dots on the top right of the panel and go to “Inspect” -> “Data”. “Data options” allows you to select between formatted or raw data and to select headers for Excel. When you’re ready, click “Download csv”.