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Device Setup Dashboard

Customer Manual

1. General

  • When using the Device Setup Dashboard, the first thing to do is to select the Device you want to make changes to
  • In case you are using Sub-Organizations, select the one containing the Device from the Dropdown
  • Next, select the Device from the second dropdown
  • The third dropdown is for filtering by Mod-ID and used for filtering – more on that in the section details
  • The device status at the top of the dashboard informs you if the device is currently online (which is determined by checking if there was any communication from the device within the last 5 minutes)
  • The connection mode shows how the device connects to the internet

2. Setup Section

This section allows you to check when and what data is sent by the device

2.1 Data Checkup

  • On the left, you can see for each Mod-ID when the last time was that data arrived
  • On the right, you can see all the individual data points and read the values
  • For the chart, you can use the Mod-ID filter at the top of the dashboard to display only the values of the selected Mod-IDs

2.2 Connection Settings

  • The connection settings are relevant if you want to connect the device per WiFi to the internet. In case you want to use WiFi, you have to set the name and password of the relevant network
  • SIM Cards will be auto detected in most of the cases, so that there are no settings to be done. But depending on your provider it might be necessary to enter APN credentials. In such cases we recommend to test the SIM card without credentials anyways first. But if needed you can change the APN via the Command Section
  • The chart on the right shows the quality of the mobile internet (in case it is in use)

2.3 Main Unit: Connecting Analog, Digital and Pulse Sensors

  • Here you can configure the direct analog and digital inputs of your EcoPhi device
  • The readout time determines how often device values are sent
  • For analog sensors you can choose between 0-10V, 4-20mA and 0-20mA. The range with from and till describes the operating range of your sensor. So a level sensor from 0 meter to 5 meter would get from 0.0 to 5.0 here
  • For counters/pulse sensors you can add a multiplier here. This is used when for example a water meter gives one pulse for every 100 liters. So the multiplier would be 100 in such a case

2.4 Serial Communication

  • Here you can configure the serial communication of your device
  • You can choose a Mod-ID (1-255), and the interval how often the readout is performed
  • Then select the correct protocol by choosing the device you are connecting to from the dropdown
  • In case your device works on Modbus TCP with an Ethernet connection you also have to give an IP here, otherwise you can leave this empty

2.5 Settings for calculations

  • The device will collect metrics like the total solar energy produced by the connected inverters
  • It is possible to calculate other values based on this metric, like the revenue, money earned, CO2 saved or trees saved
  • If you want these metrics to be calculated individually, you have to set the values for the calculations using this input form

3. Control Section

3.1 Control Parameters

  • In case you have individual logics and controls for your device implemented, you can find the control form here. If not, the form will not have any effects on your device.

3.2 Send text command

  • It is possible to send commands directly to the device
  • The table on the right side shows the communication history: Commands to the device and messages coming from the device
  • You can find a full list of available commands here:

3.3 Send Modbus command (Communication Test)

  • If you have external devices connected via Modbus, you can test that connection via this panel. This will create a Modbus command and the device will respond with a result. By that you can make sure the connection is working correctly and all settings are correct
  • The table at the bottom shows the communication history in both directions: commands to the device and messages coming from the device

3.4 Restart Device

  • Sometimes, a restart of the device is necessary
  • It can be remotely triggered here

4. Alerts Section

In this section, you can configure alerts specific to your needs

4.1 Create Alert: Threshold

  • An alert of this type is evaluated every time a value is sent from the device and gets triggered in case the threshold condition is satisfied
  • Select the value you want to specify a threshold for from the dropdown
  • Values in the dropdown can be filtered by using the Mod-ID filter at the top of the dashboard
  • Configure the threshold by specifying a condition
  • Chose a name for the alert
  • Select the interval in which notifications are sent out
  • Example: if you specify 60 minutes, the device sends that value every 10 minutes, the threshold condition is satisfied: you will not receive a notification every 10 minutes, but every 60 minutes instead (in case it is still satisfied)
  • Input the email addresses of the recipients for the alert

4.2 Create Alert: Threshold over time

  • An alert of the type threshold over time is not evaluated every time a value is sent from the device, but instead of a specific time interval, for example 1 hour
  • Select the value you want to specify a threshold for from the dropdown
  • Values in the dropdown can be filtered by using the Mod-ID filter at the top of the dashboard
  • Select how the values should be aggregated over the time interval: average  average is compared to threshold value, no aggregation  every value is compared to threshold value, only triggered in case all satisfy the condition
  • The threshold value can be a fixed number or another value
  • If another value is selected, you have to specify if the first value, last value, or average over that time interval should be used
  • How often and what interval to check: Here you specify the duration of the time interval and how often it is checked
  • Chose a name for the alert
  • Select the interval in which notifications are sent out
  • Example: If you specify 60 minutes, the device sends that value every 10 minutes, the threshold condition is satisfied: You will not receive a notification every 10 minutes, but every 60 minutes instead (in case it is still satisfied)
  • Input the email addresses of the recipients for the alert

4.3 Create Alert: No data

  • This type of alert will check if any data from the device was received during a specified time interval
  • Select how often it should be checked if there is no data
  • Select what time interval should be checked
  • Decide if this should be checked only for a specific Mod-ID or all Mod-IDs
  • Chose a name for the alert
  • Select the interval in which notifications are sent out
  • Example: if you specify 60 minutes, the device sends that value every 10 minutes, the threshold condition is satisfied: You will not receive a notification every 10 minutes, but every 60 minutes instead (in case it is still satisfied)
  • Input the email addresses of the recipients for the alert

4.4 Edit Alerts

  • Here you can see all alerts that are configured for the selected device
  • You can delete or deactivate/ activate the alerts here
  • Delete: Will delete an alert completely
  • Deactivate: Will pause the alert and allows you to reactivate them later

5. Organization Section

5.1 Request PIN

  • A PIN is necessary for verifying your identity when interacting with a device or other controls
  • If you lost your PIN or need a new one, you can request it here
  • The PIN will be send to the email address associated with your account

5.2 Create Users

  • Here you can add new users to your organization, sub-organization or a single device
  • Enter the email address and the name of the user you want to add
  • Select where the user should be added
  • Select the permissions what the user should be allowed to do

5.3 Sub-Organization Overview

  • In this section you can see which sub-organizations exist for your main organization and which devices are allocated to which sub-organization
  • The chart on the right explains the structure