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Anaytics and Functions

Customer Manual

1. Irradiation Analytics

EcoPhi offers a tool to compare the solar production of a system under different circumstances. By that you will be able to compare based on irradiation how much power your system should provide. By that you can see the missed production when your solar system is off for some time, or when the system is curtailed because of external limitations. All you need is an irradiation sensor. The system will learn automatically how much your system should produce under normal circumstances. For setting it up, all you need to do is to select Protocol no 3013 (in the serial readouts). The recommended readout time is 180sec. The ID has to be unique and tells the system on which analog input the irradiation sensor is connected:

  • ID 1-64 if the irradiation is on analog 1
  • ID 65-128 if the irradiation is on analog 2
  • ID 129-192 if the irradiation is on analog 3
  • ID 193-255 if the irradiation is on analog 4

So if your reference irradiation sensor is connected to analog input 2 the ID could be “71” for example.

2. Planned Energy

On your device dashboard under the row “Data export and reports” you can input the expected/ planned energy production in kWh per month. This way you can compare the actual energy production vs the planned energy production to detect underperformance and analyse and compare your systems.

You will see the planned and the actual PV energy output in the overview section of the device.

3. Data Export

On your device dashboard under the row “Data export and reports” you can export the data via csv and Excel. First, slect the time range with the time picker on the top right. Then do the data export. You can choose the CSV column separator (”;” or ”,”) and the decimal separator (”.” or ”,”) depending on your country and regional settings.

4. PDF report

On your device dashboard under the row “Data export and reports” you can create a standard energy and system report. For individual reports, contact the EcoPhi support or your EcoPhi contact person.